martes, 7 de enero de 2014


Para evitar suspicacias entre la tropa juancarlista (si es que queda alguno al que no se le haya caído la cara de vergüenza) copio al pie de esta entrada el artículo aparecido en el diario The Telegraph del 6 de enero de 2014.

Ante su lectura sobran comentarios.

Si se trata de "desinformación" inglesa, no entiendo porqué la Casa Real no ha manifestado nada al respecto, aunque mucho me temo que nada dirán porque la información de la que se hace eco la noticia tiene todos los visos de ser cierta.

Si ya teníamos una buena docena de motivos para considerar a Juan Carlos el peor de los borbones que han reinado en España (y eso que tenía unos cuantos antecesores de muy torcida ejecutoria) este dato supone la guinda del pastel.

Esto es mucho más grave que sus líos de faldas, sus líos económicos, su alineamiento con los enemigos de la Patria que juró defender etc... etc...

Para un hecho así no hay justificación posible y la manida escusa de las instrucciones del gobierno de turno ni la cree nadie ni tiene peso alguno.

Cuando la cabeza de la pirámide hace y dice estas cosas ¿como no va a estar España entera patas arriba?

Spain's King Juan Carlos told Britain: 'we don't want Gibraltar back'

Spain's King Juan Carlos told Britain "We don't want Gibraltar back", declassified diplomatic documents from the 1980s reveal

The rocky outcrop of Gibraltar
The King of Spain admitted privately that it was "not in Spain's interest to recover Gibraltar in the near future". Photo: Susan E. Degginger / Alamy
King Juan Carlos of Spain told Britain that Spain "did not really want" Gibraltar back as it would lead to claims from Morocco for Spanish territories in North Africa, newly declassified documents from the 1980s released by the Foreign Office reveal.
The King of Spain admitted privately in a meeting with the then British ambassador to Madrid, Sir Richard Parsons, that it was "not in Spain's interest to recover Gibraltar in the near future".
If it did so, "King Hassan would immediately reactivate the Moroccan claim to Ceuta and Melilla," the monarch, who celebrated his 76th birthday on Sunday, reportedly said during the meeting in Madrid in July 1983.
Details of the meeting were released last week by the National Archives in Kew as part of a swathe of secret government papers declassified under the 30-year rule and are likely to cause some discomfort after a year that saw Spain's government reiterate calls for talks over sovereignty.
At the time King Juan Carlos urged "confidential talks" over Gibraltar be conducted between the two foreign ministries to ensure Spain's path into what was then the European Economic Community was not upended over the issue.
In a confidential dispatch from Madrid to Geoffrey Howe, the then Foreign Secretary, Ambassador Parsons wrote: "The King emphasised, as he had done with me before, that that requirement was to take some step over Gibraltar which would keep public opinion quiet for the time being.
"It should be clearly understood in private by both governments that in fact Spain did not really seek an early solution to the sovereignty problem.
"If [Spain] recovered Gibraltar, King Hassan of Morocco would immediately activate his claim to Ceuta and Melilla.
"The two foreign ministers should reach a private understanding between each other, differentiating between their actual aim and the methods used to propitiate public opinion on both sides."
In a subsequent note sent the same day, he added: "It is perhaps no bad thing that Spanish public opinion, as well as the Spanish government, have begun to understand that the principal aim of Spanish foreign policy, entry into the community, could be shipwrecked on the Rock of Gibraltar."
Spain had been warned that the UK would oppose Spain's membership until all restrictions imposed at its border with Gibraltar were lifted. General Francisco Franco had sealed the border in 1969 and it was only partially opened in 1982 seven years after the dictator's death.
But Spain eventually opened up the border completely in 1985, a year before it joined the EEC.
Diplomatic tensions over the tiny British Overseas Territory at the southern foot of Spain have escalated over the last year, after Spain began imposing lengthy delays at the border in perceived retaliation for a fishing reef sunk in British Territorial Waters, which it does not recognise.
During 2013 Spain made a record number of illegal incursions into Gibraltar waters – 446 according to figures obtained by The Sunday Telegraph – prompting calls for an increased British naval presence to act as a deterrent.

1 comentario:

  1. se lanza usted a la demagogia sin freno. Esto ha sido desmentido entre otros por Arias Salgado, que entonces era jefe de la asesoría jurídica del ministerio de exteriores. No se crea todo lo que dice los ingleses. Un poco de sentido común y sensatez, un poco de moderación.
